Peterson’s Pay Gap Intvw — A Brief Bullshit Dissection.

Jonah Matranga
3 min readAug 19, 2018

The video above is of an intvw making the rounds, generating insane hate-mail for the intvwer and lots more money for Peterson. Here’s some quick thoughts written while viewing it. I sent them to a friend who’d fallen under his sway and considered Peterson reasonable. I hope this helps illuminate the fact that he’s very not (to say nothing of his incel cheerleaders and benefactors).

  • Quick check shows Tumblr not primarily female as he stated so confidently. Curious. Also, even if the stat he stated was true, in any way equating that platform with YouTube (which actually doesn’t look to be predominantly male according the stats I was just skimming, so there’s that) is a classic false equivalence. Bear in mind that all of that was him defending his overwhelmingly male following, and saying that’s just cos YouTube is so dude-centric. Might seem innocuous, but it’s telling for where things go, and his whole gimmick.
  • The line about women wanting men they can dominate is specious at best. No research I heard mentioned behind that. The misogyny behind that statement is miles deep. To say nothing of what a dumb, angry dude will do with it.
  • As for the pay gap issue and referencing ‘radical feminists’, stating blanket bullshit about women being more agreeable and therefore getting paid less, but then hedging and saying it’s just ONE element (while failing to really break down the rest).
  • Perpetually talking about his experience as a clinical psychologist and using endless anecdotes from his illustrious career in the place of actual research.
  • Saying that people are ‘treated pretty fairly’, and basically casting aside the easily measurable and observable realities of White Supremacy and Patriarchy.
  • He keeps falling back on how ‘complicated’ things are, and rhetorical questions that derail the conversation, and bringing up Scandinavia as some paragon of equality, and ultimately not offering much in the way of specifics when he speaks of the ‘many’ industries dominated by women. He forcefully repeats that ‘the market’ is driven by women, which is either willfully misunderstanding what the interviewer meant by ‘markets’, or he’s actually that into his own schtick.
  • He says that ‘feminine traits’ aren’t predictors of success, and then demurs when she asks why that is (DUH). He states that ‘ever since he’s been around’, the representation for women in ‘the workplace’ is ‘about 50%’. What does that even mean?
  • And then he compares his plight being challenged on a chat show with the life of a trans person. And then compares trans/Left activists to dictators. And when challenged on that ugly insanity, he backpedals to saying that the underpinning philosophy is the same, which just leads to endless moot-point nonsense, and makes you wonder why he made the pretty much indefensible comparison in the first place. This is where hate is sown.
  • And throughout, his smug laughter as the woman interviewing him inevitably gets frustrated by his bobbing and weaving, calling her claims silly, pointing to her success as if that negates her many clear, valid arguments — as if Patriarchy is just a big ruse. You don’t actually believe anything like that, right?
  • Oh, and then because lobsters we’re just hard-wired to be awful. And then saying there needs to be proof of abuse on behalf of his angry-dude followers when we have the internets and comments sections, and then saying he’s received letters from ppl saying he’s saved them somehow, and that balances it out. I mean, come the fuck on. You’re really backing this?

Rewatch that clip with this stuff in mind, see if it makes sense to you. He’s good at staying calm. He’s good at dude-stoic, and being polite while saying ridiculous, inflammatory shit. He’s pretty much just another sociopath who’s found a (big) niche. And yes — he’s yet another White, male one.

